
Unique Kids, Unique Surroundings
by Lauren S. Henry

This book can help you improve his or her quality of life with practical guidelines that require no formal training or artistic expertise. With proper use of color and design, you can create a harmonious environment in which your child can grow and thrive.

“We noticed almost immediately the difference in both Jon Russ and Adrian for the first time they both began sleeping through the night IN THEIR OWN ROOM! For several years Adrian would constantly have trouble falling asleep in his room and would literally come and sit outside our door until we would let him in to sleep with us; naturally Jon Russ would follow suit now they’ve calmed down in the evenings, spend more time in their room with OUT me having to say a word and sleep in THEIR room. We’re very happy with the results! Thank you!”
John and Shary Wemple
Hagerstown, MD
HGTV family from “Kidspace!”