Elder Care Communities / Facilities

Elder Care Communities / Facilities

When looking to create surroundings that can have a genuine impact on our senior community, working with sensory elements in a space, large or small, is the first step in creating a genuinely supportive environment, conducive to comfort, safety, familiarity and warmth. This is particularly important when assisting with difficult cognitive conditions such as Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Those with other mentally degenerative issues and more general ailments such as depression, anxiety, sudden bouts of aggression and loneliness, can be profoundly affected by environmental stimuli as well.

While the overall appeal of an attractive aesthetic is important and helpful, starting with the optimal sensory support is critical. It will truly aid that aesthetic, taking a more active role in easing the mental challenges, discomfort, fears, and frustrations of our seniors.

Working with Lauren at With a Brush of Love has been a very positive experience. She has gone above and beyond in supporting our project. Despite working long distance working with Brush of Love has been quite productive. Lauren has been very accessible, accommodating, knowledgeable, and flexible.
Terri Duncan, MSLP, R.SLP
Executive Director, Children’s Autism Services of Edmonton Alberta, Canada / www.childrensautism.ca